Firstly, I know no-one is gonna read this but I'll post anyway,
[January] = crap
[February] = more crap + studying for CA1 ?
[March] = Ca1... was utterly rubbish
[April] = April Fool's DAy =D didn't really get anyone on the joke this year... or was it Sa1..
[May] = hmm not really sure.. more StuDying for SA1 or.. had it that month... again...
[June] = Holidays !!!.... turned out to be crap as hell + loads of homework for CA2 and the brain rester, a trip to Tioman =D saw loads of stars at night unlike bright singapore, but sadly no pictures. Oh, and the corals were damn nice.. about 20-30 meters away from shore cause the rest were all trampled to death by moronic tourists
[July] = CA2 i think... which of course... was crap again
[August] = National Day !!... Had pizza =D and a 4 - 5 days school break was it...
[September] = study hElL for SA2 . After it, i got My Halo3 ODST =D which i kinda begged for... but i think i was gonna get it anyway... stupid me
[October] = DeAd study for SA2.. then SA2 which... was better then last year's i think (: .
start of HoliDaYs as well in the last 2 weeks of it
[November] waiting for someone to call to play.. apparently all were "busy" doing nothing.
went back to Hong Kong to celebrate Grandma's 70th birthday =D had loads of fun including a mini cruise in china on the Yangtze River, Three gorges Dam, Lesser Three Gorges. Was ChiLLy in china, 17˚C highest i think and 6˚C lowest. celebrated my birthday there as well.. 1 month early, but... the Cake was awesome =D full CHOCOLATE.
[December] = Got back hOmE on the 6th of december, rapidly prepared for Christmas =D set up the Christmas tree and decorated it Beautifully +D no Pictures yet... then waited for 6I'07 chalet which got canceled at the last possible moment. bUt... its not all bad news... on the 24th ( aka Christmas Eve ) we went to sentosa and vivo for a class day outing with only like 12 people, plus or minus a few who came and left midway. For info of the outing you can go to either Jie Hui's blog ( the wonderful organiser who had not much of an idea what to do during heavy rains ) or Clarissa's new... erm "blog" ? after that was then followed be me asking if anyone wanted to come on the 29th for like a mini party but just to play..
AnD as ExPecTed, only 1 or 2 said okay but get more people first.. but the rest were "busy" this time with homework and not stoning at home. In the end, had a Birthday Party / Christmas Party on the 27th with Parents' friends' families, rather fun =D had my AWESOME birthday cake ( shall post pictures of it once i can get my phone to work...). On my Actual Birthday, Jaswin came over and we had somewhat fun racing my 2 R/C cars in the basement crapark =D mine was a Lamborghini Reventon while his was a mega jeep ?
went out for dinner after that with my family at Swensens at BPP. was quite okay. And then, today... the last day of the year and I'm wasting it rather alone with my Comp and My Xbox360 and getting one achievement on Halo 3 =D, only 10G... o well... if you are wondering why December had the longest post, it's cause nothing else much happened the previous months. Tomorrow would be 2010.. and yet again starts another year of studying. WiTh that, I shall EnD this post.
Awesomeness by:
Destructo Gavino